Update 22/03708/FUL Appeal
January 2024

The latest planning application was to re-develop the site to create 492 new dwellings. This would comprise a change of use for the original tower, plus the creation of two more towers along the Broadway.
In May 2023 our RBK planning department refused the application citing 11 reasons including poor design and landscaping, a failure to justify ‘significant loss of employment floorspace’ and a failure to visibly maximise affordable housing on-site. However, the applicant, Healey Development Solutions (Broadway) Ltd, appealed.
Chessington District Residents’ Association sent an objection. Two reasons among many are that the towers would overshadow the 36 flats along the Broadway. They would have diminished light by 50% plus high density of the whole site.
The appeal hearing was in December 2023. One of our Executive Committee members was present. He reported back to us that the developer has withdrawn their application. They gave the reason that due to the extra cost required from new fire safety regulations, they no longer believe the plans for their development to be financially viable. It will be interesting to hear what happens next and whether the site is sold to another developer.