Elvis is the family cat of one of our executive committee members. And, like his namesake, he is known regularly to have ‘left the building’! On one of his escapades, he didn’t return and caused the family great consternation. Eventually, thankfully, he turned up at the back door at 3am!
We’re sure most dog and cat owners will empathise with Elvis’s story. When our fur babies go missing, it’s extremely stressful. Rarely a week passes without a pet being reported as missing on our local social media channels.

For Elvis’s family, they found a solution for peace of mind. Elvis has been fitted with a tracker and his route can be followed on the family’s mobile phone. However, it doesn’t stop Elvis thinking he would make a great Christmas tree decoration!
Elvis has been fitted with a Tractive tracker and there are others – PitPat , Pawfit , some come with a subscription others are subscription free.